~Little Big Adventure A collection of tips and some pleas for help. ~Quick Tips. Search every flowerpot and trash cans for objects. Spend most of your time in Athletic Mode as you will then be able to get out of any sudden problems, quickly. Read all the signs and talk to everyone who's NOT attacking you. You can stock up on cash by entering and exiting near cash registers. Get the Red Syrup before leaving the first island. When you get to the desert and make it safely to shore, kill the guard by the gate, as he's got the key. In the second dungeon, below the desert, avoid the log and jump over all the holes (if you fall in, start over). Switch order is middle lever once, right once. Get your own boat. Then you won't have to rely on ferries. When you enter your girlfriend's house, head to the right, jump the small wall and hide at the far end of the room in Discreet mode. The Grobo's will not be able to see you and you'll avoid having to escape the asylum, all over again. ~A Helping Hand from a variety of sources. I`m still in the White Leaf Desert going around the maze. Where abouts are you I've done this bit, it's hard and it takes a lot of time and coordination. You've probably done the first part, moving the statue on the the plate by the door, using the lifting plate. Once past this run straight ahead over the holes in the floor and jump to the right, where the fence breaks or the log will kill you. Jump down after the log and run straight on and pull the lever, this opens up a hole which the next log will fall down. I've done the falling down the holes and theres nothing to gain there but pain and frustration. Once past the log, go straight past the first monster, pulling that leaver will close the next door. Then theres a series of plates and levers, to pull the levers throw the magic ball at them. Now your on your own for a while ......... I`ve changed the water on the island with the red syrup that came from the first island. Well done, I presume you been to see the Rabbi-bunnie in the libary that was complaining about the horrible water, he shows you a big book, wow! I haven`t managed to get the the clear water lake on the Hamalayi mountains or the forgers house on proxima island, These are the only markers on my holomap at the moment I also haven`t found the object (Creature) that enables you to fly so If you`ve got further than me you you give me some hints? You can't get the Dino-fly till latter on, you can get a hover pack though, you need to get to the port on the other side of principal island. Buy some gas and go to the libary area, run past the guards (one's asleep) and keep running past the next lot, this screen has a guard camp in it, you need to jump the fence (the low sandbag at the front should help) run past the clone and up the back past another guard and right to the go cart get in. Your turn. Hang on if you already got to white leaf you know about that bit, damn! Errrrr? At some point you are told that the navigator who lives in the port is going to sell his boat, buy it! this is the only way to see the islands. You really need to complete the maze as the navigator want $100 for the boat. Have you been to see the astronomer, if not talk to the girl Rabbi-bunnie hanging about by the bar on Principal Island. How do I get hold of the ticket to board the boat ? First, instead of going to the ticket counter and trying to get a ticket. Simply kill the elephant guard at the gate and he will drop a key, then take the key and walk through the gate.Once through the gate talk to the rabbit near the open door. He will say that if you can put all four crates (found inside the door) on the four crosses he will give you a ticket. The moving crates puzzle is fairly simple and once you have the ticket you can board the boat. Oh if you screw up the crates, simply walk out the door and then walk back in again. I have battled for hours to get to Dr Funfrock's fortress and have been captured then thrown in a cell. I can get out of the cell, kill the guards and kill a clone of my girl friend to retrieve a key. This key enables me to get back all my possesions. The next step is to blow a hole in the room full of clone and jump through. Now comes the problem this new room is very small and contains a stone with writing on (the stone of Septarian). I can read this stone but I can't escape. As I've said the room is tiny and the entrance I came in is too high to jump back up to, I've paced the wall, tried all my item, cursed at the computer and eventually phoned EA who couldn't help me. What do I do now! I'm thinking of just giving up but this game is so good I don't really want to. Please help, I need you! ~For those of you who are still stuck then you'll have to wait till ~next month for anymore tips that are sent to us here at Cheet Sheets. ~I know from various calls and messages that loads of you are stuck ~but we have to conquer the game as well, before we can give you any ~hints.... As with the Legend Of Kyrandia 3 solve, somebody will be ~spending their precious FREE time to help you out !!!! The BBS will ~hold any info as soon as I receive it, so modem users keep your eyes ~open on the Cheet Sheets BBS.....